'When I made portraits of people I started with the eyes.
I studied them for minutes and minutes, I sketched them with a pencil and that was the secret because once you have drawn the eyes ...
It happens that everything else comes by itself, it is as if all the other pieces slide by themselves around that starting point. '
Alessandro Baricco - “Oceano Mare”

David Bowie

Size 31 cm x 41 cm, charcoal on 100% cotton paper

Smoking Man

Size 31 cm x 41cm, sanguine pencil on cotton paper


Size 30 cm x 40 cm, coloured pencil on cotton paper


Size 31 cm x 41 cm, coloured pencil on 100% cotton paper


Size 31 cm x 41 cm, coloured pencil on 100% cotton paper


Size 31 cm x 41 cm, coloured pencil on 100% cotton paper


Size 31 cm x 41 cm, graphite on 100% cotton paper

Aladdin Sane

Size 31 cm x 41 cm, coloured pencil on 100% cotton paper
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